學 JavaScript 前端,帶作品集去面試!

63 個專案實戰,寫出作品集,讓面試官眼前一亮!



持續到9 月 15 日前端挑戰:太空版將提供兩個提示: CSS ArtGlam Up My Markup

我們這期主題的靈感來自於我們最近在 DEV 上看到的一些優秀帖子 ( @cookiemonsterdev @madsstoumann 👀),因此我們希望繼續他們的創造力,並與大家一起深入星系深處!

像往常一樣,每個提示都會有一名獲勝者。這是贏得炫耀權的兩次機會、 DEV 商店的禮物和專屬 DEV 徽章。請記住:徽章可以疊加在您的個人資料上以炫耀多次獲勝!但當然,這不是關於獲勝的目的地(火星?) - 而是關於(火箭)旅程!



CSS 藝術:空間

當談到太空時,畫出你想到的東西。這是你最喜歡的電影嗎?當前的新聞週期?或者你的想像力是否激發出一些完全超越這個世界的東西?無論是什麼,請透過 CSS 藝術與我們分享!


{% cta https://dev.to/new?prefill=---%0Atitle%3A%20%0Apublished%3A%20%0Atags%3A%20frontendchallenge%2C%20devchallenge%2C%20css%0A---% 0A%0A_This%20is%20a%20submission%20for%20%5BFrontend%20Challenge%20v24.09.04%5D(https%3A%2F%2Fdev.to%2Fchallenges%2Ffrontend-2024-09-04SS %3A%20空格._%0A%0A%23%23%20靈感%0A%3C! %0A%23%23% 20Demo%20%0A%3C!--%20Show%20us%20your%20CSS%20Art!%20You%20can%20直接%20embed%20an%20editor%20into%20this%20post%200(參見%20the%20FAQ%20section% 20of%20the%20challenge%20page)%20or%20you%20can%20share%20an%20image%20of%20your%20project%20and%20share%20a%20share%20a%200%20and%20share%20a% 20碼。 %20anything%20you%20are%20尤其%20proud%20of %2C%20what%20you%20hope%20to%20do%20next%2C%20etc.%20--%3E%0A%0A%3C!--%20Team% 20Submissions%3A%20Please%20pick%20one%20member%20to %20發布%20the%20submission%20和%20credit%20隊友%20by%20listing%20他們的%20DEV%20用戶名隊友%20by%20listing%20他們的%20DEV%207% 20body%20of%20the%20post。 20許可證%20。 %20想要)。

CSS 藝術提交模板

{% 結束%}


使用 CSS 和 JavaScript 為太陽系製作以下入門 HTML 標記,具有令人驚嘆的視覺效果、互動性和教育性。我們提供了一個基本模板,其中列出了太陽系中的行星、衛星和其他天體,以及每個天體的一些事實。由於模板不包含任何設計元素或互動性,因此您需要發揮創意,使其具有視覺吸引力和吸引力。

您提交的內容應該透過有趣、動態的設計來增強使用者體驗,但也必須易於存取和使用。您應該避免直接修改 HTML 本身,除非是透過 JavaScript。您的最終提交內容應平衡風格和內容。您可以加入基本的樣板程式碼,例如元標記和結構,以確保正確的表示和功能。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Explore the Solar System</title>

  <!-- Header Section -->
  <header class="header">
    <h1>Welcome to Our Solar System</h1>
    <p>Discover the wonders of the Sun, planets, moons, and everything else that makes our solar system extraordinary.</p>

  <!-- Solar System Overview Section -->
  <section class="solar-system-overview">
    <h2>About Our Solar System</h2>
    <p>Our solar system is home to the Sun, eight planets, dozens of moons, countless asteroids, comets, and other celestial objects. Located in the Milky Way galaxy, it's the only place we know of that harbors life – on Earth.</p>

  <!-- Planets Section -->
  <section class="planets">
    <h2>Planets of the Solar System</h2>

    <!-- Mercury -->
    <article class="planet mercury">
      <p>Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest in our solar system. It has no atmosphere, and its surface temperatures vary drastically between day and night.</p>
        <li>Distance from Sun: 57.9 million km</li>
        <li>Orbital Period: 88 Earth days</li>
        <li>Moons: None</li>

    <!-- Venus -->
    <article class="planet venus">
      <p>Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is known for its thick, toxic atmosphere. Its surface is hotter than any other planet in the solar system due to the greenhouse effect.</p>
        <li>Distance from Sun: 108.2 million km</li>
        <li>Orbital Period: 225 Earth days</li>
        <li>Moons: None</li>

    <!-- Earth -->
    <article class="planet earth">
      <p>Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only planet known to support life. It has one natural satellite, the Moon.</p>
        <li>Distance from Sun: 149.6 million km</li>
        <li>Orbital Period: 365.25 Earth days</li>
        <li>Moons: 1 (The Moon)</li>

    <!-- Mars -->
    <article class="planet mars">
      <p>Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, is often called the "Red Planet" because of its reddish appearance caused by iron oxide on its surface. It's a prime candidate for future human exploration.</p>
        <li>Distance from Sun: 227.9 million km</li>
        <li>Orbital Period: 687 Earth days</li>
        <li>Moons: 2 (Phobos, Deimos)</li>

    <!-- Jupiter -->
    <article class="planet jupiter">
      <p>Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It's known for its massive size, Great Red Spot (a giant storm), and many moons, including the four largest: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.</p>
        <li>Distance from Sun: 778.5 million km</li>
        <li>Orbital Period: 12 Earth years</li>
        <li>Moons: 79 (4 major: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto)</li>

    <!-- Saturn -->
    <article class="planet saturn">
      <p>Saturn is famous for its stunning ring system, which is made up of ice and rock. It's the second-largest planet in the solar system and has numerous moons, including Titan, its largest.</p>
        <li>Distance from Sun: 1.43 billion km</li>
        <li>Orbital Period: 29 Earth years</li>
        <li>Moons: 83 (Titan being the largest)</li>

    <!-- Uranus -->
    <article class="planet uranus">
      <p>Uranus is unique for its sideways rotation and faint ring system. It's an ice giant with a frigid atmosphere composed mainly of hydrogen, helium, and methane.</p>
        <li>Distance from Sun: 2.87 billion km</li>
        <li>Orbital Period: 84 Earth years</li>
        <li>Moons: 27</li>

    <!-- Neptune -->
    <article class="planet neptune">
      <p>Neptune, the furthest planet from the Sun, is a deep blue ice giant. Its most prominent feature is the Great Dark Spot, a storm system similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot.</p>
        <li>Distance from Sun: 4.5 billion km</li>
        <li>Orbital Period: 165 Earth years</li>
        <li>Moons: 14 (Triton being the largest)</li>

  <!-- Moons Section -->
  <section class="moons">
    <h2>Fascinating Moons of the Solar System</h2>

    <!-- Earth's Moon -->
    <article class="moon earth-moon">
      <h3>The Moon (Earth)</h3>
      <p>The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and the fifth-largest moon in the solar system. Its phases have been integral to human culture for millennia.</p>

    <!-- Titan (Saturn) -->
    <article class="moon titan">
      <h3>Titan (Saturn)</h3>
      <p>Titan is Saturn's largest moon and has a thick atmosphere and liquid methane lakes. It's one of the most Earth-like worlds in the solar system, despite its frigid temperatures.</p>

    <!-- Europa (Jupiter) -->
    <article class="moon europa">
      <h3>Europa (Jupiter)</h3>
      <p>Europa, one of Jupiter's Galilean moons, is covered in ice. Scientists believe there's a vast ocean beneath its frozen surface, making it a prime candidate for finding extraterrestrial life.</p>

  <!-- Other Solar System Objects Section -->
  <section class="solar-system-objects">
    <h2>Other Celestial Objects</h2>

    <!-- Asteroid Belt -->
    <article class="asteroid-belt">
      <h3>The Asteroid Belt</h3>
      <p>The asteroid belt lies between Mars and Jupiter and contains thousands of rocky bodies. Ceres, the largest object here, is considered a dwarf planet.</p>

    <!-- Comets -->
    <article class="comets">
      <p>Comets are icy bodies that originate from the outer solar system. When they approach the Sun, their ice turns to gas, forming a bright tail visible from Earth.</p>

    <!-- Kuiper Belt -->
    <article class="kuiper-belt">
      <h3>The Kuiper Belt</h3>
      <p>The Kuiper Belt is a region beyond Neptune filled with icy bodies and dwarf planets, including Pluto. It's similar to the asteroid belt but far larger and more distant.</p>

  <!-- Footer Section -->
  <footer class="footer">
    <p>&copy; 2024 Explore the Solar System. All rights reserved.</p>


{% cta https://dev.to/new?prefill=---%0Atitle%3A%20%0Apublished%3A%20%0Atags%3A%20devchallenge%2C%20frontendchallenge%2C%20css%2C%20javascript%2C%20frontendchallenge%2C%20css%2C%20javascript%0Ajava ---%0A%0A_This%20is%20a%20submission%20for%20%5BFrontend%20Challenge%20v24.09.04%5D(https%3A%2F%2Fdev.to%2Fchallenges%2Ffrontend-2024-091 %20Glam%20Up%20My%20Markup%3A%20Space_%0A%0A%23%23%20What%20I%20Built%0A%0A%3C!page --%20告訴%20us%20about%20your%0A%3C! % 20什麼%20you%20是%20期待%20to%20實現。%20--%3E%0A%0A%23%23%20演示%0A%3C!專案! %20an%20image%20of%20your%20project% 20and%20share%20a%20public%20link%20to%20the%20程式碼。 -%20告訴%20us%20about%20your%20process% 2C%20what%20you%20已學習%2C%20anything%20you%20are%20尤其%20proud%20of%2C%20what%20you%20hope%20proud%20of%2C%20what%20you%20hope%20to% 20next%2C%20etc.%20--%3E%0A%0A %3C!--%20Team%20Submissions%3A%20請%20pick%20one%20member%20to%20publish%20the%20subsubmission%20and% %20by%20listing%20their%20DEV%20usernames%20directly%20in%20the% 20body%20of%20the%20post.%20--%3E%0A%0A%3C!--%20我們%20鼓勵%20you%20to %20考慮%20為%20your%20程式碼加入%20a%20license%20。 20image%20to%20your%20post%20(如果%20you%20想要)。 }


{% 結束%}

{% 卡 %}





  • 9 月 4 日:前端挑戰:太空版開始!

  • 9 月 15 日:提交截止時間為太平洋夏令時間晚上 11:59

  • 9 月 17 日:得獎者公佈

{% 結束卡 %}




共有 0 則留言


學 JavaScript 前端,帶作品集去面試!

63 個專案實戰,寫出作品集,讓面試官眼前一亮!
