學 JavaScript 前端,帶作品集去面試!

63 個專案實戰,寫出作品集,讓面試官眼前一亮!



軟體開發中最具挑戰性的事情之一是狀態管理。目前,Angular 應用程式有幾個狀態管理庫:NGRX、NGXS、Akita...它們都有不同的狀態管理風格,最受歡迎的是 NGRX,它幾乎遵循React 世界的FLUX/Redux 原則(基本上使用單向資料流和不可變資料結構,但使用RxJS可觀察流)。

但是,如果您不想學習、設定、使用整個狀態管理庫,也不想處理一個簡單專案的所有樣板文件,如果您只想使用您已經熟悉的工具來*管理狀態,該怎麼辦?Anular 開發人員 *,並且仍然獲得狀態管理庫提供的效能最佳化和一致性(推送變更偵測,一種不可變資料流)。

*免責聲明:這不是針對狀態管理庫的帖子。我們確實在工作中使用NGRX,它確實幫助我們在非常大和複雜的應用程式中管理非常複雜的狀態,但正如我常說的,NGRX 使簡單應用程式的事情變得複雜,並簡化了複雜應用程式的事情,請記住這一點。 *

在這篇文章中,我將向您展示一種僅使用 RxJS依賴注入 來管理狀態的簡單方法,我們所有的元件樹都將使用 OnPush 更改檢測策略。

想像我們有一個簡單的 Todo 應用程式,我們想要管理它的狀態,我們已經設定了元件,現在我們需要一個服務來管理狀態,讓我們建立一個簡單的 Angular 服務:

// todos-store.service.ts

@Injectable({provideIn: 'root'})
export class TodosStoreService {


所以我們需要的是,一種提供待辦事項清單的方法,一種加入、刪除、過濾和完成待辦事項的方法,我們將使用 getter/setter 和 RxJS 的行為主題來執行此操作:

首先我們建立在 todos 中讀寫的方法:

// todos-store.service.ts

@Injectable({provideIn: 'root'})
export class TodosStoreService {

  // - We set the initial state in BehaviorSubject's constructor
  // - Nobody outside the Store should have access to the BehaviorSubject 
  //   because it has the write rights
  // - Writing to state should be handled by specialized Store methods (ex: addTodo, removeTodo, etc)
  // - Create one BehaviorSubject per store entity, for example if you have TodoGroups
  //   create a new BehaviorSubject for it, as well as the observable$, and getters/setters
  private readonly _todos = new BehaviorSubject<Todo[]>([]);

  // Expose the observable$ part of the _todos subject (read only stream)
  readonly todos$ = this._todos.asObservable();

  // the getter will return the last value emitted in _todos subject
  get todos(): Todo[] {
    return this._todos.getValue();

  // assigning a value to this.todos will push it onto the observable 
  // and down to all of its subsribers (ex: this.todos = [])
  private set todos(val: Todo[]) {

  addTodo(title: string) {
    // we assaign a new copy of todos by adding a new todo to it 
    // with automatically assigned ID ( don't do this at home, use uuid() )
    this.todos = [
      {id: this.todos.length + 1, title, isCompleted: false}

  removeTodo(id: number) {
    this.todos = this.todos.filter(todo => todo.id !== id);



// todos-store.service.ts

setCompleted(id: number, isCompleted: boolean) {
  let todo = this.todos.find(todo => todo.id === id);

  if(todo) {
    // we need to make a new copy of todos array, and the todo as well
    // remember, our state must always remain immutable
    // otherwise, on push change detection won't work, and won't update its view    

    const index = this.todos.indexOf(todo);
    this.todos[index] = {
    this.todos = [...this.todos];


// todos-store.service.ts

// we'll compose the todos$ observable with map operator to create a stream of only completed todos
readonly completedTodos$ = this.todos$.pipe(
  map(todos => todos.filter(todo => todo.isCompleted))


// todos-store.service.ts

@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class TodosStoreService {

  // - We set the initial state in BehaviorSubject's constructor
  // - Nobody outside the Store should have access to the BehaviorSubject 
  //   because it has the write rights
  // - Writing to state should be handled by specialized Store methods (ex: addTodo, removeTodo, etc)
  // - Create one BehaviorSubject per store entity, for example if you have TodoGroups
  //   create a new BehaviorSubject for it, as well as the observable$, and getters/setters
  private readonly _todos = new BehaviorSubject<Todo[]>([]);

  // Expose the observable$ part of the _todos subject (read only stream)
  readonly todos$ = this._todos.asObservable();

  // we'll compose the todos$ observable with map operator to create a stream of only completed todos
  readonly completedTodos$ = this.todos$.pipe(
    map(todos => todos.filter(todo => todo.isCompleted))

  // the getter will return the last value emitted in _todos subject
  get todos(): Todo[] {
    return this._todos.getValue();

  // assigning a value to this.todos will push it onto the observable 
  // and down to all of its subsribers (ex: this.todos = [])
  private set todos(val: Todo[]) {

  addTodo(title: string) {
    // we assaign a new copy of todos by adding a new todo to it 
    // with automatically assigned ID ( don't do this at home, use uuid() )
    this.todos = [
      {id: this.todos.length + 1, title, isCompleted: false}

  removeTodo(id: number) {
    this.todos = this.todos.filter(todo => todo.id !== id);

  setCompleted(id: number, isCompleted: boolean) {
    let todo = this.todos.find(todo => todo.id === id);

    if(todo) {
      // we need to make a new copy of todos array, and the todo as well
      // remember, our state must always remain immutable
      // otherwise, on push change detection won't work, and won't update its view
      const index = this.todos.indexOf(todo);
      this.todos[index] = {
      this.todos = [...this.todos];




// app.component.ts

export class AppComponent  {
  constructor(public todosStore: TodosStoreService) {}
<!-- app.component.html -->

<div class="all-todos">

  <p>All todos</p>

    *ngFor="let todo of todosStore.todos$ | async"
    (complete)="todosStore.setCompleted(todo.id, $event)"


StackBlitz 上具有真實 REST API 的完整範例

這也是一種可擴展的狀態管理方式,您可以使用Angular 強大的DI 系統輕鬆地將其他儲存服務注入彼此,將其可觀察量與管道運算符結合起來以建立更複雜的可觀察量,並注入HttpClient 等服務以從伺服器提取資料例如。無需所有 NGRX 樣板或安裝其他狀態管理庫。盡可能保持簡單和輕鬆。

在 Twitter 上關注我,以了解更多有趣的 Angular 相關內容:https://twitter.com/avatsaev

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學 JavaScript 前端,帶作品集去面試!

63 個專案實戰,寫出作品集,讓面試官眼前一亮!
