阿川私房教材:學程式,拿 offer!

63 個專案實戰,直接上手!



在本文中,您將學習如何建立由 AI 驅動的 PowerPoint 應用程式,該應用程式可以搜尋網路以自動製作有關任何主題的簡報。


  • 用於應用程式框架的 Next.js 🖥️

  • 法學碩士 OpenAI 🧠

  • LangChain 和 Tavily 的網路搜尋人工智慧代理🤖

  • 使用 CopilotKit 將 AI 整合到您的應用程式中 🪁



CopilotKit 是開源人工智慧副駕駛平台。我們可以輕鬆地將強大的人工智慧整合到您的 React 應用程式中。


  • ChatBot:上下文感知的應用內聊天機器人,可以在應用程式內執行操作 💬

  • CopilotTextArea:人工智慧驅動的文字字段,具有上下文感知自動完成和插入功能📝

  • 聯合代理:應用程式內人工智慧代理,可以與您的應用程式和使用者互動🤖


{% cta https://github.com/CopilotKit/CopilotKit %} Star CopilotKit ⭐️ {% endcta %}





copilotkit/react-core :CopilotKit 前端包,帶有 React hooks,用於向副駕駛提供應用程式狀態和操作(AI 功能)

copilotkit/react-ui :聊天機器人側邊欄 UI 的 CopilotKit 前端包

copilotkit/react-textarea :CopilotKit 前端包,用於在演講者筆記中進行人工智慧輔助文字編輯。

LangChainJS :一個用於開發由語言模型支援的應用程式的框架。

Tavily Search API :幫助將法學碩士和人工智慧應用程式連接到可信賴的即時知識的 API。


在安裝所有專案包和依賴項之前,我們首先在終端機上執行以下命令來建立 Nextjs 專案。

npx create-next-app@latest


建立 Nextjs 專案

之後,使用您選擇的文字編輯器開啟新建立的 Nextjs 專案。然後在命令列中執行以下命令來安裝所有專案包和依賴項。

npm i @copilotkit/backend @copilotkit/shared @langchain/langgraph @copilotkit/react-core 
@copilotkit/react-ui @copilotkit/react-textarea @heroicons/react

建立 PowerPoint 應用程式前端

讓我們先建立一個名為Slide.tsx的檔案。該文件將包含顯示和編輯投影片內容的程式碼,包括其titlebody textbackground imagespoken narration text

要建立該文件,請前往/[root]/src/app並建立一個名為components的資料夾。在 Components 資料夾中,建立Slide.tsx檔案。

之後,在文件頂部加入以下程式碼。程式碼定義了兩個名為SlideModelSlideProps的 TypeScript 介面。

"use client";

// Define an interface for the model of a slide, specifying the expected structure of a slide object.
export interface SlideModel {
  title: string;
  content: string;
  backgroundImageDescription: string;
  spokenNarration: string;

// Define an interface for the properties of a component or function that manages slides.
export interface SlideProps {
  slide: SlideModel;
  partialUpdateSlide: (partialSlide: Partial<SlideModel>) => void;

接下來,在上面的程式碼下面加入以下程式碼。程式碼定義了一個名為Slide功能元件,它接受SlideProps類型的 props。

// Define a functional component named Slide that accepts props of type SlideProps.
export const Slide = (props: SlideProps) => {
    // Define a constant for the height of the area reserved for speaker notes.
    const heightOfSpeakerNotes = 150;

    // Construct a URL for the background image using the description from slide properties, dynamically fetching an image from Unsplash.
    const backgroundImage =
      'url("https://source.unsplash.com/featured/?' +
      encodeURIComponent(props.slide.backgroundImageDescription) +

    // Return JSX for the slide component.
    return (
        {/* Slide content container with dynamic height calculation to account for speaker notes area. */}
          className="w-full relative bg-slate-200"
            height: `calc(100vh - ${heightOfSpeakerNotes}px)`, // Calculate height to leave space for speaker notes.
          {/* Container for the slide title with centered alignment and styling. */}
            className="h-1/5 flex items-center justify-center text-5xl text-white text-center z-10"
            {/* Textarea for slide title input, allowing dynamic updates. */}
              className="text-2xl bg-transparent text-black p-4 text-center font-bold uppercase italic line-clamp-2 resize-none flex items-center"
                border: "none",
                outline: "none",
              onChange={(e) => {
                props.partialUpdateSlide({ title: e.target.value });

          {/* Container for the slide content with background image. */}
          <div className="h-4/5 flex"
              backgroundSize: "cover",
              backgroundPosition: "center",
            {/* Textarea for slide content input, allowing dynamic updates and styled for readability. */}
              className="w-full text-3xl text-black font-medium p-10 resize-none bg-red mx-40 my-8 rounded-xl text-center"
                lineHeight: "1.5",
              onChange={(e) => {
                props.partialUpdateSlide({ content: e.target.value });

        {/* Textarea for entering spoken narration with specified height and styling for consistency. */}
          className=" w-9/12 h-full bg-transparent text-5xl p-10 resize-none bg-gray-500 pr-36"
            height: `${heightOfSpeakerNotes}px`,
            background: "none",
            border: "none",
            outline: "none",
            fontFamily: "inherit",
            fontSize: "inherit",
            lineHeight: "inherit",
          onChange={(e) => {
            props.partialUpdateSlide({ spokenNarration: e.target.value });



要建立該文件,請將另一個文件新增至元件資料夾中,並將其命名為Presentation.tsx ,然後使用下列程式碼在檔案頂部匯入React hooksiconsSlideModelSlide元件。

"use client";

import { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from "react";
import {
} from "@heroicons/react/24/outline";
import { SlideModel, Slide } from "./Slide";


export const ActionButton = ({
  disabled, onClick, className, children,
}: {
  disabled: boolean;
  onClick: () => void;
  className?: string;
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) => {
  return (
      className={`bg-blue-500 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded
      ${disabled ? "opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed" : "hover:bg-blue-700"}


// Define the Presentation component as a functional component.
export const Presentation = () => {
    // Initialize state for slides with a default first slide and a state to track the current slide index.
    const [slides, setSlides] = useState<SlideModel[]>([
        title: `Welcome to our presentation!`, // Title of the first slide.
        content: 'This is the first slide.', // Content of the first slide.
        backgroundImageDescription: "hello", // Description for background image retrieval.
        spokenNarration: "This is the first slide. Welcome to our presentation!", // Spoken narration text for the first slide.
    const [currentSlideIndex, setCurrentSlideIndex] = useState(0); // Current slide index, starting at 0.

    // Use useMemo to memoize the current slide object to avoid unnecessary recalculations.
    const currentSlide = useMemo(() => slides[currentSlideIndex], [slides, currentSlideIndex]);

    // Define a function to update the current slide. This function uses useCallback to memoize itself to prevent unnecessary re-creations.
    const updateCurrentSlide = useCallback(
      (partialSlide: Partial<SlideModel>) => {
        // Update the slides state by creating a new array with the updated current slide.
        setSlides((slides) => [
          ...slides.slice(0, currentSlideIndex), // Copy all slides before the current one.
          { ...slides[currentSlideIndex], ...partialSlide }, // Merge the current slide with the updates.
          ...slides.slice(currentSlideIndex + 1), // Copy all slides after the current one.
      [currentSlideIndex, setSlides] // Dependencies for useCallback.

    // The JSX structure for the Presentation component.
    return (
      <div className="relative">
        {/* Render the current slide by passing the currentSlide and updateCurrentSlide function as props. */}
        <Slide slide={currentSlide} partialUpdateSlide={updateCurrentSlide} />

        {/* Container for action buttons located at the top-left corner of the screen. */}
        <div className="absolute top-0 left-0 mt-6 ml-4 z-30">
          {/* Action button to add a new slide. Disabled state is hardcoded to true for demonstration. */}
            onClick={() => {
              // Define a new slide object.
              const newSlide: SlideModel = {
                title: "Title",
                content: "Body",
                backgroundImageDescription: "random",
                spokenNarration: "The speaker's notes for this slide.",
              // Update the slides array to include the new slide.
              setSlides((slides) => [
                ...slides.slice(0, currentSlideIndex + 1),
                ...slides.slice(currentSlideIndex + 1),
              // Move to the new slide by updating the currentSlideIndex.
              setCurrentSlideIndex((i) => i + 1);
            <PlusIcon className="h-6 w-6" /> {/* Icon for the button. */}

          {/* Another action button, currently disabled and without functionality. */}
            onClick={async () => { }} // Placeholder async function.
            className="rounded-l-none ml-[1px]"
            <SparklesIcon className="h-6 w-6" /> {/* Icon for the button. */}

        {/* Container for action buttons at the top-right corner for deleting slides, etc. */}
        <div className="absolute top-0 right-0 mt-6 mr-24">
            disabled={slides.length === 1} // Disable button if there's only one slide.
            onClick={() => {}} // Placeholder function for the button action.
            className="ml-5 rounded-r-none"
            <TrashIcon className="h-6 w-6" /> {/* Icon for the button. */}

        {/* Display current slide number and total slides at the bottom-right corner. */}
          className="absolute bottom-0 right-0 mb-20 mx-24 text-xl"
            textShadow: "1px 1px 0 #ddd, -1px -1px 0 #ddd, 1px -1px 0 #ddd, -1px 1px 0 #ddd",
          Slide {currentSlideIndex + 1} of {slides.length} {/* Current slide and total slides. */}

        {/* Container for navigation buttons (previous and next) at the bottom-right corner. */}
        <div className="absolute bottom-0 right-0 mb-6 mx-24">
          {/* Button to navigate to the previous slide. */}
              currentSlideIndex === 0 ||
              true} // Example condition to disable button; 'true' is just for demonstration.
            onClick={() => {
              setCurrentSlideIndex((i) => i - 1); // Update currentSlideIndex to move to the previous slide.
            <BackwardIcon className="h-6 w-6" /> {/* Icon for the button. */}
          {/* Button to navigate to the next slide. */}
            className="mr-[1px] rounded-l-none"
              true ||
              currentSlideIndex + 1 === slides.length} // Example condition to disable button; 'true' is just for demonstration.
            onClick={async () => {
              setCurrentSlideIndex((i) => i + 1); // Update currentSlideIndex to move to the next slide.
            <ForwardIcon className="h-6 w-6" /> {/* Icon for the button. */}

要在瀏覽器上呈現 PowerPoint 應用程式,請前往/[root]/src/app/page.tsx檔案並新增以下程式碼。

"use client";

import "./style.css";
import { Presentation } from "./components/Presentation";

export default function AIPresentation() {
  return (
    <Presentation  />

如果您想要在 Powerpoint 應用程式前端新增樣式,請在/[root]/src/app資料夾中建立名為style.css的檔案。

然後導航到此 gist 文件,複製 CSS 程式碼,並將其新增至 style.css 檔案。

最後,在命令列上執行命令npm run dev ,然後導航到 http://localhost:3000/

現在您應該在瀏覽器上查看 PowerPoint 應用程式,如下所示。


將 PowerPoint 應用程式與 CopilotKit 後端集成

讓我們先在根目錄中建立一個名為.env.local的檔案。然後在保存 ChatGPT 和 Tavily Search API 金鑰的檔案中加入下面的環境變數。

TAVILY_API_KEY="Your Tavily Search API key"

若要取得 ChatGPT API 金鑰,請導覽至 https://platform.openai.com/api-keys

ChatGPT API 金鑰

若要取得 Tavilly Search API 金鑰,請導覽至 https://app.tavily.com/home

泰維利搜尋 API 金鑰


copilotkit資料夾中,建立一個名為research.ts的檔案。然後導航到該 Research.ts gist 文件,複製程式碼,並將其新增至research.ts檔案中

接下來,在/[root]/src/app/api/copilotkit資料夾中建立一個名為route.ts的檔案。該文件將包含設定後端功能來處理 POST 請求的程式碼。它有條件地包括對給定主題進行研究的“研究”操作。


import { CopilotBackend, OpenAIAdapter } from "@copilotkit/backend"; // For backend functionality with CopilotKit.
import { researchWithLangGraph } from "./research"; // Import a custom function for conducting research.
import { AnnotatedFunction } from "@copilotkit/shared"; // For annotating functions with metadata.


// Define a runtime environment variable, indicating the environment where the code is expected to run.
export const runtime = "edge";

// Define an annotated function for research. This object includes metadata and an implementation for the function.
const researchAction: AnnotatedFunction<any> = {
  name: "research", // Function name.
  description: "Call this function to conduct research on a certain topic. Respect other notes about when to call this function", // Function description.
  argumentAnnotations: [ // Annotations for arguments that the function accepts.
      name: "topic", // Argument name.
      type: "string", // Argument type.
      description: "The topic to research. 5 characters or longer.", // Argument description.
      required: true, // Indicates that the argument is required.
  implementation: async (topic) => { // The actual function implementation.
    console.log("Researching topic: ", topic); // Log the research topic.
    return await researchWithLangGraph(topic); // Call the research function and return its result.


// Define an asynchronous function that handles POST requests.
export async function POST(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
  const actions: AnnotatedFunction<any>[] = []; // Initialize an array to hold actions.

  // Check if a specific environment variable is set, indicating access to certain functionality.
  if (process.env["TAVILY_API_KEY"]) {
    actions.push(researchAction); // Add the research action to the actions array if the condition is true.

  // Instantiate CopilotBackend with the actions defined above.
  const copilotKit = new CopilotBackend({
    actions: actions,

  // Use the CopilotBackend instance to generate a response for the incoming request using an OpenAIAdapter.
  return copilotKit.response(req, new OpenAIAdapter());

將 PowerPoint 應用程式與 CopilotKit 前端集成


import { useMakeCopilotActionable } from "@copilotkit/react-core";

在 Slide 函數中,新增以下程式碼,該程式碼使用useMakeCopilotActionable掛鉤來設定一個名為updateSlide的操作,該操作具有特定參數以及根據提供的值更新投影片的實作。

        // Defines the action name. This is a unique identifier for the action within the application.
        name: "updateSlide",
        // Describes what the action does. In this case, it updates the current slide.
        description: "Update the current slide.",
        // Details the arguments that the action accepts. Each argument has a name, type, description, and a flag indicating if it's required.
        argumentAnnotations: [
            name: "title", // The argument name.
            type: "string", // The data type of the argument.
            description: "The title of the slide. Should be a few words long.", // Description of the argument.
            required: true, // Indicates that this argument must be provided for the action to execute.
            name: "content",
            type: "string",
            description: "The content of the slide. Should generally consists of a few bullet points.",
            required: true,
            name: "backgroundImageDescription",
            type: "string",
            description: "What to display in the background of the slide. For example, 'dog', 'house', etc.",
            required: true,
            name: "spokenNarration",
            type: "string",
            description: "The spoken narration for the slide. This is what the user will hear when the slide is shown.",
            required: true,
        // The implementation of the action. This is a function that will be called when the action is executed.
        implementation: async (title, content, backgroundImageDescription, spokenNarration) => {
        // Calls a function passed in through props to partially update the slide with new values for the specified properties.
    }, [props.partialUpdateSlide]); // Dependencies array for the custom hook or function. This ensures that the action is re-initialized only when `props.partialUpdateSlide` changes.

之後,請前往/[root]/src/app/components/Presentation.tsx檔案並使用下面的程式碼匯入頂部的 CopilotKit 前端套件。

import { useCopilotContext } from "@copilotkit/react-core";
import { CopilotTask } from "@copilotkit/react-core";
import {
} from "@copilotkit/react-core";


useMakeCopilotReadable("These are all the slides: " + JSON.stringify(slides));
    "This is the current slide: " + JSON.stringify(currentSlide)


          // Defines the action's metadata.
          name: "appendSlide", // Action identifier.
          description: "Add a slide after all the existing slides. Call this function multiple times to add multiple slides.",
          // Specifies the arguments that the action takes, including their types, descriptions, and if they are required.
          argumentAnnotations: [
              name: "title", // The title of the new slide.
              type: "string",
              description: "The title of the slide. Should be a few words long.",
              required: true,
              name: "content", // The main content or body of the new slide.
              type: "string",
              description: "The content of the slide. Should generally consist of a few bullet points.",
              required: true,
              name: "backgroundImageDescription", // Description for fetching or generating the background image of the new slide.
              type: "string",
              description: "What to display in the background of the slide. For example, 'dog', 'house', etc.",
              required: true,
              name: "spokenNarration", // Narration text that will be read aloud during the presentation of the slide.
              type: "string",
              description: "The text to read while presenting the slide. Should be distinct from the slide's content, and can include additional context, references, etc. Will be read aloud as-is. Should be a few sentences long, clear, and smooth to read.",
              required: true,
          // The function to execute when the action is triggered. It creates a new slide with the provided details and appends it to the existing slides array.
          implementation: async (title, content, backgroundImageDescription, spokenNarration) => {
            const newSlide: SlideModel = { // Constructs the new slide object.

            // Updates the slides state by appending the new slide to the end of the current slides array.
            setSlides((slides) => [...slides, newSlide]);
        [setSlides] // Dependency array for the hook. This action is dependent on the `setSlides` function, ensuring it reinitializes if `setSlides` changes.

在上面的程式碼下方,定義一個名為context的變數,該變數使用名為useCopilotContext的自訂掛鉤從 copilot 上下文中檢索當前上下文。

const context = useCopilotContext();

之後,定義一個名為generateSlideTask的函數,它包含一個名為CopilotTask的類別。 CopilotTask類別定義用於產生與簡報的整體主題相關的新投影片的指令

const generateSlideTask = new CopilotTask({
   instructions: "Make the next slide related to the overall topic of the presentation. It will be inserted after the current slide. Do NOT carry any research",


const [generateSlideTaskRunning, **setGenerateSlideTaskRunning**] = useState(false);


// The JSX structure for the Presentation component.
    return (
        <div className="relative">
        {/* Renders the current slide using a Slide component with props for the slide data and a method to update it. */}
        <Slide slide={currentSlide} partialUpdateSlide={updateCurrentSlide} />

        {/* Container for action buttons positioned at the top left corner of the relative parent */}
        <div className="absolute top-0 left-0 mt-6 ml-4 z-30">
            {/* ActionButton to add a new slide. It is disabled when a generateSlideTask is running to prevent concurrent modifications. */}
            onClick={() => {
                const newSlide: SlideModel = {
                title: "Title",
                content: "Body",
                backgroundImageDescription: "random",
                spokenNarration: "The speaker's notes for this slide.",
                // Inserts the new slide immediately after the current slide and updates the slide index to point to the new slide.
                setSlides((slides) => [
                ...slides.slice(0, currentSlideIndex + 1),
                ...slides.slice(currentSlideIndex + 1),
                setCurrentSlideIndex((i) => i + 1);
            <PlusIcon className="h-6 w-6" />

            {/* ActionButton to generate a new slide based on the current context, also disabled during task running. */}
            onClick={async () => { 
                setGenerateSlideTaskRunning(true); // Indicates the task is starting.
                await generateSlideTask.run(context); // Executes the task with the current context.
                setGenerateSlideTaskRunning(false); // Resets the flag when the task is complete.
            className="rounded-l-none ml-[1px]"
            <SparklesIcon className="h-6 w-6" />

        {/* Container for action buttons at the top right, including deleting the current slide and potentially other actions. */}
        <div className="absolute top-0 right-0 mt-6 mr-24">
            {/* ActionButton for deleting the current slide, disabled if a task is running or only one slide remains. */}
            disabled={generateSlideTaskRunning || slides.length === 1}
            onClick={() => {
                console.log("delete slide");
                // Removes the current slide and resets the index to the beginning as a simple handling strategy.
                setSlides((slides) => [
                ...slides.slice(0, currentSlideIndex),
                ...slides.slice(currentSlideIndex + 1),
                setCurrentSlideIndex((i) => 0);
            className="ml-5 rounded-r-none"
            <TrashIcon className="h-6 w-6" />

        {/* Display showing the current slide index and the total number of slides. */}
            className="absolute bottom-0 right-0 mb-20 mx-24 text-xl"
            textShadow: "1px 1px 0 #ddd, -1px -1px 0 #ddd, 1px -1px 0 #ddd, -1px 1px 0 #ddd",
            Slide {currentSlideIndex + 1} of {slides.length}

        {/* Navigation buttons to move between slides, disabled based on the slide index or if a task is running. */}
        <div className="absolute bottom-0 right-0 mb-6 mx-24">
            {/* Button to move to the previous slide, disabled if on the first slide or a task is running. */}
            disabled={generateSlideTaskRunning || currentSlideIndex === 0}
            onClick={() => {
                setCurrentSlideIndex((i) => i - 1);
            <BackwardIcon className="h-6 w-6" />
            {/* Button to move to the next slide, disabled if on the last slide or a task is running. */}
            className="mr-[1px] rounded-l-none"
            disabled={generateSlideTaskRunning || currentSlideIndex + 1 === slides.length}
            onClick={async () => {
                setCurrentSlideIndex((i) => i + 1);
            <ForwardIcon className="h-6 w-6" />

現在讓我們轉到/[root]/src/app/page.tsx文件,使用下面的程式碼匯入 CopilotKit 前端包和文件頂部的樣式。

import {
} from "@copilotkit/react-core";
import { CopilotSidebar } from "@copilotkit/react-ui";
import "@copilotkit/react-ui/styles.css";
import "@copilotkit/react-textarea/styles.css";


export default function AIPresentation() {

  return (
    <CopilotKit url="/api/copilotkit/">
        instructions="Help the user create and edit a powerpoint-style presentation. IMPORTANT NOTE: SOMETIMES you may want to research a topic, before taking further action. BUT FIRST ASK THE USER if they would like you to research it. If they answer 'no', do your best WITHOUT researching the topic first."
          title: "Presentation Copilot",
            "Hi you! 👋 I can help you create a presentation on any topic.",
        <Presentation  />

之後,執行開發伺服器並導航到 http://localhost:3000/。您應該會看到應用程式內聊天機器人已整合到 PowerPoint Web 應用中。


最後,給右側的聊天機器人一個提示,例如“在 JavaScript 上建立 PowerPoint 簡報”,聊天機器人將開始產生回應,完成後,使用底部的前進按鈕瀏覽產生的幻燈片。




總而言之,您可以使用 CopilotKit 建立應用內 AI 聊天機器人,該機器人可以查看當前應用程式狀態並在應用程式內執行操作。 AI 聊天機器人可以與您的應用程式前端、後端和第三方服務對話。



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