軟體開發領域的發展速度比以往任何時候都快。為了保持領先地位,您必須使用面向未來的工具和技術來武裝自己。 我整理了一份必須了解的開源工具列表,以幫助您建立經得起時間考驗的應用程式。 ![南方公園 GIF](https://dev-to-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/uploa...
💡 本指南向您展示如何將現有的 Express.js 應用程式遷移到[Encore.ts](https://github.com/encoredev/encore) (TypeScript 的開源後端框架),以實現**9 倍的效能提升**。 {% 嵌入 https://www.youtube.c...
我再次帶來了我作為[ScyllaDB](https://scylladb.com)開發倡導者的日常工作中的一些知識,這次我將教您有關安全和加密連接的知識!這個主題可能會讓新手感到非常焦慮,但我會讓你變得更容易。 如果您剛開始使用一般資料庫或特定資料庫,您可能需要先閱讀我的第一篇文章[資料庫 10...
我們都知道**[Hacktoberfest](https://hacktoberfest.com/)**已經開始了。您可能正在尋找一些可以貢獻的儲存庫/專案。找到正確的存儲庫非常困難。如果你是一個`repo-specific`人,這會變得更加困難! 順便說一句,不僅有 hacktoberfest...
--- title: Top 15 System Design Resources for Programming Interviews published: true description: My favorite resources to prepare for system design i...
--- title: 20+ Algorithms Problems from Coding Interviews published: true description: frequently asked search and sort algorithms questions from pyth...
The software development landscape is evolving faster than ever. To stay ahead of the curve, you must arm yourself with tools and technologies built f...
Imagine you're planning the ultimate vacation—a two-week tour across Europe, filled with museum visits, gourmet meals, and scenic hikes. The sheer nu...
AI is flipping the script on software development so fast developers can barely even keep up. Regardless of your experience level, whether you are ju...
1. [為什麼減少 Docker 鏡像大小很重要](#why-reducing-docker-image-size-is-important) 2. [從最小基礎鏡像開始](#1-start-with-a-minimal-base-image) 3. [多階段構建](#2-multist...
AI is going to take over the world soon, we just don't know which part yet. A few React projects already use AI, so I am covering 21 projects that...
十月快到了——也是一些史詩般的開源活動! 從黑客馬拉松到貢獻活動,十月充滿了潛入開源的機會。沒錯,我所說的就是「**Hacktober**」這個月份。 在這篇文章中,我將分享7個你可以參加的十月份開源活動,或者我可以說是「Hacktober」。 ![GIF](https://media1.te...
**Docker** is an essential tool in modern DevOps practices, enabling developers to containerize applications and manage them efficiently. However, as ...
#### 🔥連接:https://www.subham.online #### 🔥回購:https://github.com/Subham-Maity/OOPS-in-JS-Ultimate #### 🔥推特:https://twitter.com/TheSubhamMaity -...
As someone building AI apps, I see a massive spike in user interest, and this is undoubtedly the best time to master building AI apps. So, I have co...
選擇正確的軟體架構具有挑戰性,尤其是在平衡來自網路的理論和建議與實際實施時。在這篇文章中,我將分享我的旅程以及對我有用的架構選擇。 儘管標題可能表明我來這裡是為了準確地告訴您如何建立應用程式,但這不是我的目標。相反,我將重點介紹我的個人經驗、選擇以及我在建立應用程式時所採取的方法背後的推理。這並...
## TL;DR At Composio, we have been receiving a lot of emails lately regarding tech support, feature requests, collaboration, and other related matter...
There are millions of projects out there but the real difference in their success often depends on how deeply they were tested. Writing and maintaini...
作為一名前端開發者,你可能聽說過 [Vercel v0](https://v0.dev/?from=chat) — 這個似乎徹底改變前端開發的工具。 但是,v0真的如同聽起來那麼棒嗎?我花了時間將它與一個新工具 [Webcrumbs Frontend AI](https://www.webcr...