Git 是軟體工程師的必備工具,可實現高效的版本控制、協作和專案管理。無論您是從事獨立專案還是大型團隊的一部分,掌握 Git 命令對於簡化開發工作流程都至關重要。本指南涵蓋了您需要的最常見的 Git 命令,為管理程式碼庫、追蹤變更以及與其他開發人員協調提供了堅實的基礎。透過熟悉這些命令,您可以提高工作效率並確保專案順利進行。讓我們深入了解每個軟體工程師都應該知道的關鍵 Git 命令。
Purpose: Configure Git settings, such as user name and email.
範例: git config --global "你的名字"2. 加熱
Purpose: Initialize a new Git repository.
範例:git 初始化3. git克隆
Purpose: Clone an existing repository.
範例:git 克隆 git 狀態
Purpose: Show the working directory and staging area status.
範例:git 狀態5. git加入
Purpose: Add file contents to the index (staging area).
範例: git add . (新增所有檔案)6. git 提交
Purpose: Record changes to the repository.
範例: git commit -m "提交訊息"7. git推送
Purpose: Update remote refs along with associated objects.
範例: git push origin main8. git 拉取
Purpose: Fetch from and integrate with another repository or local branch.
範例: git pull origin main9. git分支
Purpose: List, create, or delete branches.
範例:gitbranchnew-branch(建立新分支)10. git 結帳
Purpose: Switch branches or restore working tree files.
範例: git checkout new-branch (切換到分支)11. git 切換
Purpose: Switch branches.
範例:git 切換新分支12. git 執行
Purpose: Join two or more development histories together.
範例: git merge new-branch (將 new-branch 合併到目前分支)13. 吉特狐狸
Purpose: Reapply commits on top of another base tip.
範例:git rebase main14. git 日誌
Purpose: Show commit logs.
範例: git log --oneline15. git 差異
Purpose: Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc.
範例:git diff(顯示未暫存的變更)16. git顯示
Purpose: Show various types of objects.
範例: git show HEAD (顯示上次提交的變更)17. git 存儲
Purpose: Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away.
範例:git 存儲18. git stash 流行
Purpose: Apply the changes recorded in the stash to the working directory.
範例:git stash pop19. git 清理
Purpose: Remove untracked files from the working directory.
範例:git clean -fd20. git 遠程
Purpose: Manage set of tracked repositories.
範例: git Remote add origin git 獲取
Purpose: Download objects and refs from another repository.
範例:git fetch origin22. git遠程-v
Purpose: Show the URLs that a remote name corresponds to.
範例:git遠端-v第 23 個 git 日
Purpose: Create, list, delete, or verify a tag object.
範例: git tag -a v1.0 -m "版本 1.0"24. git push origin --標籤
Purpose: Push all tags to the remote repository.
範例: git push origin --tags25. git重置
Purpose: Reset current HEAD to the specified state.
範例: git reset --hard HEAD~1 (重設為上一次提交)26. git 恢復
Purpose: Create a new commit that undoes the changes from a previous commit.
範例:git 恢復 HEAD27. git checkout——
Purpose: Discard changes in the working directory.
範例: git checkout -- file.txt (放棄 file.txt 中的變更)28. git 櫻桃挑選
Purpose: Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits.
範例:gitcherrypick29. git分支-d
Purpose: Delete a branch.
範例: git 分支 -d 分支名稱30. git分支-D
Purpose: Force delete a branch.
範例: git 分支 -D 分支名稱31. git merge --no-ff
Purpose: Create a merge commit even when the merge resolves as a fast-forward.
範例: git merge --no-ff 新分支32. git rebase -i
Purpose: Start an interactive rebase.
範例: git rebase -i HEAD~333. git diff --staged
Purpose: Show changes between the index and the last commit.
範例: git diff --staged
34. git 責備
Purpose: Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file.
Example: git blame file.txt
35. git log --圖
Purpose: Show a graph of the commit history.
範例: git log --graph --oneline36. git reflog
Purpose: Show a log of all references.
範例:git reflog37. git 儲存列表
Purpose: List all stashes.
範例:git 儲存列表38. git stash 應用
Purpose: Apply a stash to the working directory.
範例:git stash apply stash@{1}39. git stash drop git stash drop
Purpose: Remove a single stash entry from the list of stashes.
範例:git stash drop stash@{1}40. git遠端顯示
Purpose: Show information about the remote repository.
範例:git 遠端顯示原點41. git 遠端 rm
Purpose: Remove a remote.
範例: git 遠端 rm 原點42. git pull --rebase
Purpose: Fetch and rebase the current branch on top of the upstream branch.
範例: git pull --rebase origin main
43. git fetch --全部
Purpose: Fetch all remotes.
Example: git fetch --all
44. git 二分法
Purpose: Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug.
範例: git bisect start45. git 子模組
Purpose: Initialize, update, or inspect submodules.
範例: git 子模組更新 --init46. git 存檔
Purpose: Create an archive of files from a named tree.
範例: git archive --format=tar HEAD > archive.tar47. git 短日誌
Purpose: Summarize git log output.
範例:git Shortlog -s -n
48. git 描述
Purpose: Give an object a human-readable name based on an available ref.
Example: git describe --tags
49. git rev 解析
Purpose: Parse revision (or other objects) and retrieve its hash.
範例:git rev-parse HEAD50. git標籤-d
Purpose: Delete a tag from the local repository.
範例:git 標籤 -d v1.051. git checkout -b git checkout -b
Purpose: Create and switch to a new branch.
範例: git checkout -b 新分支52. git push origin --刪除
Purpose: Delete a remote branch.
範例: git push origin --delete 分支名稱53. git 櫻桃
Purpose: Find commits not merged upstream.
範例:gitcherry-v54. 去 rm
Purpose: Remove files from the working tree and from the index.
範例: git rm file.txt55. 去MV
Purpose: Move or rename a file, directory, or symlink.
範例: git mv oldname.txt newname.txt.56 git 重置 HEAD
Purpose: Unstage changes.
範例: git Reset HEAD file.txt57. git 日誌 -p
Purpose: Show changes over time for a specific file.
範例: git log -p file.txt58. git diff --緩存
Purpose: Show changes between the index and the last commit (same as --staged).
範例: git diff --cached59. git 應用
Purpose: Apply a patch to files and/or to the index.
範例:git apply patch.diff60. git 格式補丁
Purpose: Prepare patches for e-mail submission.
範例:git format-patch -1 HEAD61. 早上去
Purpose: Apply a series of patches from a mailbox.
範例: git am < patch.mbox62. gitcherry-pick--繼續
Purpose: Resume cherry-picking after resolving conflicts.
例: gitcherry-pick --繼續63. git fsck
Purpose: Verify the connectivity and validity of objects in the database.
範例:git fsck64. git GC
Purpose: Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository.
範例:git GC65. git 修剪
Purpose: Remove unreachable objects from the object database.
範例:git 修剪66. git 筆記
Purpose: Add or inspect object notes.
範例: gitnotesadd-m“註解訊息”67. git 改變了什麼
Purpose: Show what changed, similar to git log.
範例:git Whatchanged**68。 git show-branch **
Purpose: Show branches and their commits.
範例:git show-branch69. git 驗證標籤
Purpose: Check the GPG signature of tags.
範例:git verify-tag v1.070. git顯示參考
Purpose: List references in a local repository.
範例:git show-ref
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